I understand you may not have the same beliefs as I do, but that does not matter. The only thing I care about is that you believe, believe in something bigger than you, believe that there is good in this world, believe that you are here for a reason, just believe. If you find yourself lost or need help please reach out or find something that helps you. Writing them helps me.
Glory, Glory
Glory, glory,
to my God
my Father,
my All
Without my Lord I am nothing,
Without my Lord there would be nothing,
My God who is he the end and the beginning
Is my all
Glory, Glory

No one loves a thing for it being prefect, but for all its little imperfections. God does not love you for your ideal of the prefect you, but for you being so perfectly imperfect. Please remember that when you feel imperfect.
Common Prayer
My God, my Father, my Savor, I love thee so. No matter where my path takes me, no matter how far I travel off the path you have laid out for me I know you will always be by my side. Always pushing me to do what is right, guiding me back to a place of light. I love you me Lord. Amen.

Giving Thanks
My God,
Thank you for the love that you show me,
For the life that you have given me,
The family you made,
The world you have crafted.
Please help me sharpen my mind,
Open my heart,
Heal my body,
And strengthen my soul.